(Informes y Datos en Español)

No Shelter from the Storm: Update on Iron River of Guns, Stop US Arms to Mexico, January 2025

The Iron River of Weapons to Mexico: Its Sources and Contents, Stop US Arms to Mexico, June 2024.

Firearm Commerce, Crime Guns, and the Southwest Border, chapter from report “Protecting America from Trafficked Firearms,” Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), January 2025.

Trends in Trafficking: Comparing US-based Firearms Trafficking to the Caribbean and Latin America, Matt Schroeder, Small Arms Survey, November 2024.

Caribbean Firearms: Agencies Have Anti-Trafficking Efforts in Place, But State Could Better Assess Activities, Government Accountability Office, November 2024.

Under the Gun: Firearms Trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean, Center for Strategic and International Studies, November 2024

Youth Firearm Mortality in the Americas From 2015 to 2022, JAMA Network, October 2024.

Firearm-related threats before migrating to the USA from Latin America and the Caribbean, Eugenio Weigend Vargas, Jason Goldstick, Laura Vargas, Injury Prevention, October 2024.

Examining firearm-related deaths in Mexico, 2015–2022, Eugenio Weigend Vargas et. al., Injury Epidemiology, July 2024.

Damning the Iron River: Solutions to Stop the Gun Industry from Fueling Mexico’s Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety, May 2024.

Firearms and Extortions in Mexico, 2012 to 2021, Eugenio Weigend Vargas, et. al., Journal of Interpersonal Violence, April 2024.

Mexico Police Firearms Databasesdatabases constructed from receipts of firearms sold to Mexican state and local police, 2006-2023, and from end use certificates for firearms exported for use by Mexican law enforcement agencies, 2008-2019.

The U.S.-Mexico Double Fix: Combating the Flow of Guns to Transnational Organized Crime. Report by Conflict Awareness Project. October 2023.

Access to Justice for Gun Violence: Seeking Accountability for European Gun Exports. Report by Amsterdam Law Clinics and University of Amsterdam. July 2023.

Gender-Based Violence with Firearms in Mexico. Report by Intersecta, Center for Ecumenical Studies, Equis and Data Civica. 2021, new translation into English, June 2023.

Key Facts on U.S.-Sourced Guns and Violence in Mexico, Stop US Arms to Mexico, April 2023.

“Trauma exposure and mental health among recent Latinx immigrant adults,” Laura Vargas, University of Colorado, April 2023.

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment: Crime Guns Recovered Outside the United States. U.S. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives. January 2023.

Why Can’t the US and Mexico Halt the Drugs-to-Guns Pipeline? A-Mark Foundation, January 2023.

Small Arms and Light Weapons Black Markets in Latin America, dashboard by Andrei Serbin-Pont and Alex Miller, October 2022.

Stopping Gun Violence in the Americas: A Preventable Pandemic, Rashi Jhunjhunwala, MD MA et. al., PLOS Global Public Health, September 2022.

Guns Recovered in Mexico Traced to U.S., 2019-2020. Dataset from hacked Mexican army emails of firearms traced to United States.

Invisible Weapons, Indelible Pain: The Urgent Necessity for Transparency in the U.S. and Mexican Gun Trade. A report by the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights, Stop US Arms to Mexico, a project of Global Exchange, and the Center for Ecumenical Studies. July 2021.

Deadly Trade: How European and Israeli Arms Exports are Accelerating Violence in Mexico Report by Stop US Arms to Mexico and organizations in seven countries (Mexico, Belgium, Italy, Israel, Germany, Czech Republic, United States) based on unprecedented access to more than 9,000 pages of Mexican military documents of firearms transfers to Mexican police. December 2020.

Firearms Information Requests: produced by Mexico’s National Institute of Access to Information (INAI) in 2020 as part of the Open Government Partnership, includes information about more than 3,000 information requests to Mexican federal agencies related to firearms.

Gross Human Rights Abuses: The Legal and Illegal Gun Trade to Mexico. This report by Stop US Arms to Mexico and the Mexican Commission for the Defense of Human Rights presents new data and analysis as well as policy recommendations for U.S. policy-makers and the government in Mexico. August 2018.
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Non-fatal gunshot injuries during criminal acts in Mexico, 2013–2019, by Eugenio Weigend and Carlos Pérez Ricart, Injury Prevention, December 2021.

The Impact of Gun Violence on Latinx Communities, a report by Everytown USA, September 2021

Firearms Trafficking:U.S. Efforts to Disrupt Gun Smuggling into Mexico Would Benefit from Additional Data and Analysis, Government Accountability Office, March 2021.

The Armed Arena: Arms Trafficking in Central America, Mark Ungar, Latin American Research Review, 2020

Italy’s Contribution to the Mexican Powder Keg, a report by the Arms and Security Policy Observatory – Brescia (Italy) and Stop U.S. Arms to Mexico, November 2019

Combating U.S. Gun Trafficking to Mexico, Spring 2019, Devika Agrawal, a study conducted for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Fact Sheet on U.S. Gun Sales to Honduras, June 2019

Measuring the Rise of Gun Violence Across Presidential Administrations in Mexico,” Washington University Journal of Law and Policy, 2019.

Assault Weapons in Mexico, January 2019

Fact Sheet on Sig Sauer Arms Exports to Mexico, updated November 2018.

Where the Guns Go: U.S. Arms and the Crisis of Violence in Mexico is an in-depth report on U.S. arms transfers to Mexico in a context of deepened corruption and human rights violations. Based on firsthand testimonies in Mexico and detailed research, the report shows the reality and the human cost of the growing U.S. arms trade to Mexico. American Friends Service Committee, November 2016. DOWNLOAD REPORT
Versión en español

“How U.S. Guns Sold to Mexico End Up with Security Forces Accused of Crime and Human Rights Abuses,” John Lindsay-Poland, The Intercept, April 26, 2018.

Cross-Border Gun Trafficking Indictments, Violence Policy Center, ongoing

Beyond Our Borders: How Weak U.S. Gun Law Contribute to Violent Crime Abroad, issue brief by Chelsea Parsons and Eugenio Weigend Vargas, Center for America Progress, February 2, 2018.

Mexico Firearms Trace Data, 2014-2019, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, March 2019.

“What is the Level of Household Gun Ownership in urban Mexico?”, David Pérez Esparza and David Hemenway, presentation based on study published by Injury Prevention, December 2017.

“Armed Violence in Mexico Fact Sheet 2016,” Desarma México, December 2016.

Homicides in Mexico and the Expiration of the U.S. Federal Assault Weapons Ban: A Difference-in-Discontinuities Approach, Luke Chicoine, Journal of Economic Geography, April 2016.

Dribs and Drabs: The Mechanics of Small Arms Trafficking from the United States, Small Arms Survey, March 2016.

Situation of Human Rights in MexicoInter-American Human Rights Commission, March 2016.

US Efforts to Combat Firearms Trafficking to Mexico Have Improved, but Some Collaboration Challenges Remain, Government Accountability Office, January 2016.

U.S.-Mexican Security Cooperation: The Mérida Initiative and Beyond, Congressional Research Service, January 2016.

“Gun Running Nation,” WOLA and Violence Policy Center, July 2015.

“Fast and Furious or Slow and Steady?: The Flow of Guns From the United States to Mexico,” Jessica Eby, UCLA Law Review, 2014.

“Cross-Border Spillover: U.S. Gun Laws and Violence in Mexico,” Arindrajit Dube, et. al., 2013.

U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Guatemala and Mexico, Colby Goodman, The Wilson Center, 2013.

“The US Firearms Industry: Production and Supply,” Jurgen Brauer, Small Arms Survey, 2013.

The Way of the Gun: Estimating Firearms Traffic Across the U.S.-Mexico Border, Trans-Border Institute, 2013.

ATF Leaked Data of Guns Recovered in Mexico, 2007-2010.