The Stop US Arms to Mexico project seeks to contribute to a substantial reduction of US legal arms sales and illegal gun trafficking to Mexico. Specifically, we aim to reduce US legal gun sales to Mexico to pre-Merida Initiative (2007) levels in order to reduce a central contributor to growing violence experienced by communities and migrants in Mexico. The project is a collaboration of Global Exchange in the United States and the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights in Mexico.
Stop US Arms to Mexico is a founding member group of the Network to Prevent Gun Violence in the Americas, and hosts its web page.
Stop US Arms to Mexico has a coordinator, John Lindsay-Poland, and an advisory board of 17 persons.
Advisory board members are:
Abad Leyva, filmmaker / activist (Oakland, CA)
Arnie Alpert, American Friends Service Committee (New Hampshire)
Carlos Pérez Ricart, Oxford University (England)
Chris Lopez, School of Americas Watch (Oakland)
Eduardo García, Alliance for Global Justice (San Francisco)
Eugenio Weigend, Center for American Progress (Washington)
Ivonne del Valle, professor, UC Berkeley
Janice Gallagher, professor, Rutgers University (Newark, NJ)
José Luis Fuentes, National Lawyers Guild Task Force on the Americas (Oakland, CA)
Kristen Rand, Violence Policy Center (Washington)
Laura Carlsen, Americas Program (Mexico City)
Linda Sánchez, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (Oakland, CA)
Lucía Chávez, Comisión Mexicana por la Defensa y Promoción de DDHH (Mexico)
Luis López Resendiz, Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binaciones (Berkeley, CA)
Sarah Kinosian, freelance journalist (Mexico City)
Ted Lewis, Global Exchange (San Francisco, CA)
Theresa Cameranesi, School of Americas Watch (San Francisco, CA)