On Feb. 4, the Trump administration presented to Congress new rules for the international sale of military-style firearms that could make it easier to export the gun violence and weapons used in mass shootings. The changes, which could have been officially published the first week of March if not for a temporary hold, would remove Congress from its oversight role, and threaten to aid terrorists and criminals.
The Forum on the Arms Trade invited media to join-in for a press tele-conference where Representatives Norma Torres (D-CA) and James McGovern (D-MA) to discuss their concerns about the proposed changes and their efforts via measures such as H.R. 1134. Civil society experts will add their analysis and also be available for questions.
Audio is available here.
- Representative Norma J. Torres (D-CA)
- Representative James P. McGovern (D-MA)
- Kris Brown, President, Brady
- Jeff Abramson, Senior Fellow, Arms Control Association
- Kristen Rand, Legislative Director, Violence Policy Center
- John Lindsay-Poland, Coordinator, Project to Stop U.S. Arms to Mexico
H.R. 1134 – Prevent Crime and Terrorism Act of 2019 (introduced Feb. 8)
Press Releases
- Torres, Engel Introduce Bill to Block Trump Administration Proposal to Deregulate Firearm Exports, Feb. 8
- Torres, Engel Statement on Trump Administration Firearms Export Rule Change, Feb 1
Forum on the Arms Trade
- Resource Page – proposed changes, Congressional actions, expert commentary and other information