Wednesday, July 28, 3pm-4pm EST, 2pm-3pm CDMX, 12pm-1pm Pacific, 9pm-10pm Germany
Invisible Weapons, Indelible Pain:
The Urgent Necessity of Transparency in the U.S. and Mexican Arms Trade
Bilingual interpretation between English and Spanish
Researchers present a major new report, more than a year in the making, on the secret, contradictory and even nonexistent information on firearms used in hundreds of thousands of deaths in both Mexico and the United States, and the critical importance in both countries of proactive transparency. The Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights, Global Exchange, and Center for Ecumenical Studies will share their findings, including a new interactive platform to visualize the international firearms trade to Mexico.
Thursday, July 29, 3pm-4pm EST, 2pm-3pm CDMX, 12pm-1pm Pacific, 9pm-10pm Germany
Bringing Arms Dealers to Justice:
Prosecuting Weapons Companies and Armed Violence in Mexico
Bilingual interpretation between English and Spanish
Earlier this month, a German high court ratified a criminal sentence against Sig Sauer, the German-U.S. gun company that exported more than 50,000 handguns to Mexico last year. The ruling follows a German high court ruling against Heckler & Koch, another gun producer that shipped military weapons to police for the Ayotzinapa disappearances. Please join us to understand the devastating impacts in Mexico of the weapons trade and discuss campaigns to stop the flow of guns and hold accountable those who are responsible for the violence.
Holger Rothbauer
German attorney in cases against Heckler & Koch and Sig Sauer
Sofia de Robina
Attorney, Miguel Agostín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center, Mexico City
Estefania Vela Barba
Intersecta, Organization for Equality
Daniel Mata
Researcher, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights
Estefania Vela Barba
Intersecta, Organization for Equality
Daniel Mata
Researcher, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights
Co-sponsored by: Center for Ecumenical Studies, Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Global Exchange/Stop US Arms to Mexico, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights, Network for Prevention of Gun Violence in Americas, Ohne Rüstung Leben (Germany), and Rompeviento TV