01. Binational Mechanism for effective control of gun sales in the US and to advance data sharing, transparency and control of US gun flows and their use in Mexico, to stop the proliferation of guns in the US and their illegal flow to Mexico that cost hundreds of lives every day.
02. A Strategic binational High Level working group for Responsible Demilitarization of public safety, with participation of civil society and human rights multilateral organisms, to reform the Mexican military and US agencies’ control of security matters
03. Promote regional dialogue about drug policy and launch a Binational Campaign to end the punitive paradigm concerning drugs and promote a new one that puts humans, rights and health at its center.
04. Binding Binational institution for Human Rights monitoring that includes extraordinary mechanisms for determining truth, justice and to make victims whole, to establish a binding binational agreement between the US and Mexico that places human rights at the same level of importance as trade or security.
05. Binational strategy for the search for the disappeared to establish a formal process within the governments of both the United States and Mexico to respond to the forced disappearance crisis.
06. Binational initiative of peace and cultural education aimed to dismantle structures of racism and promote community cohesion, as well as cultural and institutional transformations to end structures of racism.
07. Regional Forum to implement Latin American and Caribbean citizenship and then to advocate for a rights-centered labor and immigration reform in the United States, so each country and the region have policies that protect and attend to persons, families, and communities engaged in migration.
08. Binational strategic working group with governments and civil society to address the hunger, violence and environmental damage that are at the roots of forced displacement and migration, to directly combat the phenomenon of forced displacement. No one should be forced to flee their home out of fear and violence.
09. Create a Binational Fund to compensate for environmental losses and damages as mandated by the COP27 and implement the Peace Clause to put moratoriums on trade agreements that negatively impact the environment. We must protect the environment in order to ensure the health of present and future generations.
10. Legislation in Mexico and the US that recognize and respect the rights of Indigenous and Native Peoples’, prohibit extractivism in their land and allow regional mobility