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Guns recovered in Mexico and Central America traced to US, by zip code, 2015-2022

This map shows the number of firearms that were recovered in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador from 2015 through 2022 and traced to a purchase in the United States, by number of firearms in zip code of purchase. Move around the map or zoom in to an area of interest, or click on orange circles for popups with more numbers of firearms traced for each country. Click on the double arrow in the upper left for a legend.

The data for this map was obtained from ATF in May 2024 through a Freedom of Information Act request and subsequent litigation, in which a federal court ruled in favor of releasing the information.

Thanks to Giffords and to Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, the attorneys who represented  John Lindsay-Poland in the successful lawsuit to obtain the data, and to Romo GIS Enterprises, who assisted with mapping.