About Us
The global burden of gun violence accounts for more than 250,000 deaths worldwide, and half of these deaths occur in just six countries – all in the Americas. This public health and humanitarian crisis has significant challenges, requiring multiple policy and program approaches for making our respective nations healthy and safe.
The Network to Prevent Gun Violence in the Americas was formed to bring together health professionals, human rights advocates, arms trade specialists, and violence prevention activists to to focus on challenges ahead and find solutions to address gun violence in Mexico and Central America. Affiliated organizations include: Anahuac University; Center for American Progress; Consortium of Universities for Global Health; Forum on the Arms Trade; Global Exchange / Stop US Arms to Mexico project; Medical University of Wisconsin Office of Global Health; MetroPeace; Newtown Action Alliance. Read more. You can also Watch this overview.
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Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference Satellite Session March 8, 2021
Gun Violence in Mexico and Central America: The Challenge and Paths to Solutions
With presentations by Arturo Cervantes, Estefania Vela, Robert Muggah, Lucía Chávez, Stephen Hargarten, Eugenio Weigend, John Lindsay-Poland, Katherine Aguirre, and María Rodríguez
Policy Brief
Gun violence is a growing global public health problem, especially in the Americas. This policy brief outlines the problem and offers recommendations for the Biden administration. Read the Policy Brief.
2020 Webinar Series Monograph
A series of webinars in 2020 highlighted whether through illegal channels or through legal exports, the flow of U.S. guns has an impact on security and stability in Mexico and Central American countries. Often under-examined is how these weapons affect violence against vulnerable populations. At the webinars, experts discussed how populations in these countries face unique risks and challenges related to gun violence while also identifying policies and actions to address them. The webinars reached a wide global audience, with participation from around the World including Austria, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Germany, Mexico, United Kingdom, and the United States of America (U.S). Read the full monograph. Read the full monograph.

August 18, 2021: Legal approaches to reduce gun violence—Mexican and U.S strategies
November 24, 2020: Deadly Trade: How European and Israel Arms Exports Accelerate Violence in Mexico
September 26, 2020: German Guns and the Ayotzinapa Case
July 16, 2020: Gun Violence: Local Solutions to a Hemispheric Challenge
July 9, 2020: Assault Weapons Bans in the Americas
June 25, 2020: Flow of Guns and Violence Against Women in Mexico and Central America
May 28: Enfoques nacionales para frenar el uso de armas de fuego en México y Centroamérica
May 14, 2020: Arms Trafficking in the Americas
April 21, 2020: Gun Violence in Mexico and Central America: Challenges and Paths to Solutions
March 24, 2020: Gun Violence in the Americas: Focus Mexico
on Gun Violence in Mexico and Central America
Leer las columnas de Victor Andrade, M.D., del Instituto Anáhuac de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Anáhuac en México, que aparecen en Milenio, enfocados en prevención de violencia con armas de fuego en la región.
Armas de fuego en México y Centroamérica: Enfoques nacionales para frenar el flujo y uso de armas
Webinar: 28 de mayo de 2020
México y el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica sufren de altísimos niveles de homicidios y otra violencia cometida con armas de fuego. ¿Cuáles son los mecanismos e impactos de esta violencia con armas? ¿Y qué políticas y acciones se pueden tomar en la región para enfrentar este flagelo? En este webinar, periodistas e investigadoras exponen del mercado de armas, su impacto humano, y proponen políticas y estrategias para frenar la violencia de armas de fuego México, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala.
Panelistas: Montserrat Martínez, Coordinadora de Investigación, 24-0 (México) Mark Ungar, Brooklyn College Suchit Chávez, periodista salvadoreña Natalia Báez Zamudio, Comisión Mexicana por la Defensa y Promoción de Derechos Humanos Moderadora: Suhayla Bazbaz, Inovación Social (México)
Auspiciado por: Global Exchange; 24-0; Forum on the Arms Trade; Stop US Arms to Mexico; Universidad Anahuac; Medical College of Wisconsin; John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York.
About Us
Convened initially by Dr. Stephen Hargarten of the Medical College of Wisconsin, the Network planned a conference in Washington in April 2020 together with the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. When the COVID19 pandemic forced the conference’s postponement, the Network organized a series of webinars with experts from around the Americas. This page brings together webcasts, sources materials, and event announcements. Soon we will post advocacy recommendations based on these rich encounters.